A Resource for the Homeowners in LongCreek Plantation

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Planning Your Vegetable Garden - Part 1

If you're ready to start thinking about the Spring - now is the perfect time to start planning your vegetable garden.  It's not too early! A little preparation and planning now will make your planting season go on without a hitch.

So how to begin?

When planning your first vegetable garden don't try to do too much too soon. It's better to have a smaller garden that you can manage then a large garden that is out of control.  The first thing to consider is location.  Most vegetables need about 6-8 hours of sun in order to remain healthy and produce as they should.  Think of a location that will be easy to water and easy to harvest.

Draw out a plan for your garden showing where you would like each item to go. It's not necessary to have a lot of space between plants - just know it will require some weeding by hand in order to maintain.

For some sample layout designs see the links below.



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