A Resource for the Homeowners in LongCreek Plantation

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Fireworks Safety

Besides red, white and blue, cook-outs, and the day off from work - the celebration of the 4th of July is synonymous with fireworks.

Whether you plan on attending festivities where fireworks will be featured or intend to shoot some off yourself, safety should be your top priority.

Heed these tips below to make sure everyone has a safe and enjoyable 4th!

  • Obey all laws regarding the purchase and discharge of fireworks
  • Read labels on fireworks before lighting
  • Have a bucket of water and water hose nearby in case of emergency
  • Always light and shoot fireworks one at a time
  • Never relight a firework that did not go off the first time
  • Do not point a firework at someone or throw a firework
  • Fireworks should be handled by adults only
  • Avoid alcohol use when lighting and discharging fireworks
  • Dispose of used fireworks by thoroughly wetting and storing in a metal trash can overnight

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