A Resource for the Homeowners in LongCreek Plantation

Friday, March 28, 2014

SC Cornbread Festival

Looking for some southern fun this weekend? Check out the South Carolina Cornbread Festival - Sunday, March 30th at the intersection of Main and Newman street.

Activities include a 5k Run/Walk, Car Show, Cornbread Kick-Off, Live Music and Kid Friendly Fun!

Hours are 10am-8pm with the Run/Walk beginning at 8am.

Find out more HERE

Friday, March 21, 2014

Surviving Spring Allergies

It's officially Spring! While this means warmer days and blooming flowers, for some it means the return of allergy season.

Here are some ways to keep allergies in check this spring.
  • Keep home and car windows shut
  • Plan outdoor activities in the afternoon or evening when pollen counts are lower
  • Shower after coming in from outside
  • Check home air filters and change regularly
  • Use nasal saline to clean out your nose occassionally
  • Before doing yardwork, get a dust mask and safety glasses to cut down on allergy exposure
What do you do to keep allergies under control?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Spring Yard Maintenance

The official first day of spring is only 6 days away and it's time to begin prepping your yard for flowering plants and summer gardens.

Here are a few ways you can start preparing your yard for Spring and Summer's bounty!

  • Apply a pre-emergent in early March to stop those pesky weeds from coming back up
  • Rake - remove the dead grass stems that have built up over the winter. They will prevent moisture and sunlight from getting to the healthy grass.
  • Sharpen the blade on your mower for a clean cut.
  • Overseed patches where the grass is thin due to heavy traffic or poor conditions.
  • If you fertilize, only use a light amount in the spring months. If you fertilized in the fall your yard is still getting the benefits from that application.
What tips do you have for starting off the warmer months with a green and healthy lawn?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Daylight Savings Time

Despite the lingering winter weather, this weekend the clocks will spring forward to adjust for Daylight Savings Time.

This change is often more difficult for people than in the fall where we gain an hour of sleep. However both adjustments upset our body's natural sleep rhythm and can require some time to reset.

To help make the transition a little easier, here are some tips you can use to prepare for the time change.

1. Start Going to Bed Earlier - In the days leading up to Daylight Savings Time go to bed a half hour early to begin preparing for the lost hour of sleep.

2. Limit Caffeine Intake - Try to restrict caffeine intake after the lunch hour.

3. Adjust the Lights - Expose yourself to natural light early in the morning and dim the lights an hour before going to bed at night.  This includes the light emitting from electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets.

4. Wind Down - Give yourself a one hour wind down time which means not exercising or eating too close to bed time. Limit electronics usage and noise levels in the home.

What tips do you have to maintain a healthy sleep regimen during the time change?