A Resource for the Homeowners in LongCreek Plantation

Friday, January 31, 2014

Home Maintenance for Winter

Although most of us saw our first dusting of snow this past week and may be ready for warmer weather, spring is still a few months away.  Weather conditions in the south can often swing from one extreme to another so here are some tips to keep your new home protected from another wintry blast.

If you were impacted by the winter storm, walk around your home and do a thorough check for any areas that could be leaking water. Clean up fallen branches or debris. Inspect for cracks along window sills and doorways.

Going away this winter? Make sure your home thermostat doesn't go below 55 degrees. Ask neighbors to check on the home after any winter precipitation.

Protect your pipes from freezing and causing water damage. If the temperature is expected to dip especially low, run a trickle of water to help relieve pressure in the pipes. Keep cabinet doors open to allow the heat in - just be sure to hide away any chemicals that could be dangerous to children or pets.

Always have an emergency kit on hand. 

This should include:
Bottled Water
Non-Perishable Food
Phone Number of Utility Companies
and First Aid Materials

Hopefully Old Man Winter is on his way out of the South but it pays to take precautions just in case. What do you do to prepare your home for winter weather?

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