A Resource for the Homeowners in LongCreek Plantation

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Election Day in South Carolina

November 8 is just around the corner and the country will be selecting a new President along with several other offices.

South Carolina does not have early voting unless by absentee ballot.  Early voting by absentee applies to military service members or family members currently living overseas.

Polls open at 7 AM on November 8 and close at 7 PM.  You must bring an acceptable form of ID to vote such as Drivers License, ID card or Military ID card.

For a list of polling places and other voting information visit http://www.scvotes.org/.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Tricks or Treats This Year?

Halloween is a time for treats, sweets and lots of delicious eats!  While that is a fun and time-tested tradition there are ways to think outside the box when it comes to trick-or-treating this year.  Check out our list of unique Halloween treats!
- Stickers - Halloween themed is best!

- Temporary tattoos

- Small bags of pretzels or gummy bears

- Halloween theme pretzels or erasers

- Stamps

- Bubbles

- Bouncy balls

- Glow sticks or bracelets to wear while out trick-or-treating!

If the typical fun-size candy is more your speed, you aren't alone. The National Retail Federation anticipates $2.5 billion will be spend on Halloween candy this year. The most popular choices? Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Kit Kats and Butterfinger.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fall Fun Nearby!

Enjoy the cooler weather and get outside this weekend! Here are some fun Fall activities within driving distance.  Pack a jacket and hit the road!

Steeds Dairy Farm - Grovetown, GA

- Open Saturdays from 10am-10pm
- Open Sundays from 1pm-7pm
- A real working dairy farm
- Family-friendly corn maize during the day and Haunted Maize at night
- Hay rides, jumping pillow and petting zoo

Holiday Farms - Ridgeland, SC
- Open Saturdays from 9am-Dark
- Open Sundays from 1pm-5pm
- Pumpkin patch, jump pad, hay rides
- Duck races, corn grinding, Barnyard Zoo

Clinton Sease Farms - Lexington, SC
- Open Saturdays from 10am-11pm
- Open Sundays from 2pm-7pm
- Pumpkin patch, hay rides and corn maize
- Haunted attractions available at night

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Disaster Preparedness

With Hurricane Matthew baring down on Florida and the Southeast, now is the time to ensure you're prepared in the event of a natural disaster.

The most important thing to remember is to heed the words of your local government, law enforcement and emergency division. This includes knowing the latest forecasts and evacuation orders. Don't endanger your lives and the lives of others by not listening to the people around you who are trying to keep you safe.

Ensure you have a safety kit and first aid supplies on hand.  This includes:

- Water - gallons of water for consumption and hygiene
- A three-day supply of nonperishable food
- Flashlight and batteries
- Can opener
- Cell phone chargers
- Weather radio
- Extra cash

First Aid Kit

- Latex gloves
- Burn ointment
- Eyewash
- Bandages in various sizes
- Soap
- Sterile dressings
- Scissors
- Tweezers
- Non-prescription drugs such as aspirin, antacid, anti-diarrhea medicine

Ensure all prescription medicines are full and readily available.

What else do you do to prepare for a natural disaster?