A Resource for the Homeowners in LongCreek Plantation

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween Fun Facts and Safety Information

Enjoy Trick-or-Treating this Saturday - but be safe! Take a moment to review these safety tips from the American Safety Council. Then enjoy some Halloween trivia to share with your friends!

Halloween Trivia

- The first Jack-O-Lanterns were made from Turnips

- Ireland is the birthplace of Halloween

- The largest Halloween parade takes place in New York City

- The colors of Halloween are Orange and Black. Orange represents fall or harvest time and Black represents death.

- The annual sales of Halloween candy in the United States are $2 Billion Dollars

Friday, October 23, 2015

Yard Sale Listings


105 Beaumont Park Circle
Bunk Bed, Life Chair, Computer Desk,
Miscellaneous Home and Garage Items

447 Beaumont Park Circle
Appliances, Bedroom Furniture, Chair &
Loveseat, Toys, Clothes, Custom Area Rugs

487 Beaumont Park Circle
Kitchenware, Kitchen Appliances/Gadgets, Toys,
Books, Movies, Knick-Knacks, Adult and
Children’s Clothing and Shoes, Women’s and
Men’s Accessories


501 Briar Jump Lane
Baby Boy Clothes (NB, 3 mo, 6 mo, 9 mo), Toys,
Baby Gates, Baby Items

577 Briar Jump Lane
Furniture – office desk, computer desk, kitchen
table w/ chairs, Wedding Décor Items, Kids
Bikes, Kids Power Wheels, Electronics


26 West Wessex Way
Household Items, Coffee Table, Bar Stools, Craft


505 New Cut Lane
Girls Shoes & Clothing, Men & Young Mens
Clothing, Ladies & Men’s Shoes, Sheer Panels
(51” x 84”L) Glassware, Household Items

519 New Cut Lane
Clothing and Household Items


300 Overlook Drive
Antique Glassware, Household Items, Christmas
Decorating Items


215 Plantation Parkway
Christmas Items, Old Albums, Books, Clothes,
New Blender, New Sandwich Maker, Stereo


210 Cartgate Circle
Lots of Toys, Boys Clothes, Step 2 Swing Set,
Furniture, Games

321 Cartgate Circle
Sports Equipment (Bow Net, Jugs Net, Batting
Tee, Softballs, etc.), Cornhole Game Board and
USC Beanbags, Large Doghouse, Luggage, Some

408 Cartgate Circle
Household Goods, Towel Sets, Rugs, Cookware,
Toys, Bike, Chest Freezer

322 Old Course Loop
Glassware (All Kinds), Chairs, Outside Fireplace
w/ Wood & Tools, Dishes, Golf Balls, Christmas
Tree and Decorations, Christmas Ornaments,
MUCH MUCH More….Too Much to List

422 Old Course Loop
Furniture, Household Items, Electronics, Teen
Décor, Clothing, Linens, Toys, Games

44 Ravenglass Way
LOTS of Miscellaneous Items

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Fall Lawn Care

A common misconception this time of year is that as the weather gets cooler and the leaves begin to turn that lawn maintenance can take a back seat. On the contrary, Fall is a perfect time to catch up on some much needed lawn care and prep for a beautiful spring yard!

Here's how!

Lower your lawn mower blade to allow for about a 2 inch cut. Shower grass will help keep the lawn from matting under leaves or snow. It will also allow for better sunlight absorption as the days get shorter.

Continue to water your lawn once or twice a week if conditions or dry. Early morning is the best time and will prevent the grown of fungus in the evening.

Apply week killer. The roots will absorb the killer and prevent new growth in the spring.

Rent an aerator - this tool punches holes in the soil to allow in more oxygen, water and fertilizer.

Fall fertilizer allows roots to continue growing and absorb nutrients without the stress from the summer heat! So apply away!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Halloween Party Snack Ideas

Halloween is right around the corner! Hosting a party this year? Here are a few easy and fun ways to put some spook-tacular snacks together!

Create a fun Fall trail mix with candy corn, pretzels, Bugles, Chex Mix and M&M's. Click on the image below to find out more.

Whip up a quick dip with vanilla pudding, cool whip and a can of pumpkin! Click to learn more!

Assemble some witch's brooms with Reeses Cups and pretzel rods!

For a healthy twist - use cut up veggies to create a fun pumpkin treat!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

How to Help

In the wake of the unprecedented rainfall and flooding throughout the state of South Carolina - neighbors are anxious to find ways to help. Fortunately the rains have subsided but there is much to be done.

Here are a few ways you can help!

The State of South Carolina has set up a volunteer and donation phone line specifically for questions about how you can help.  Call 1-888-585-9643

Financial Donations

The Salvation Army -  100% of donations towards disasters go to support relief efforts.

Visit: www.doingthemostgood.org or call 1-800-SALARMY

The Red Cross

Visit: www.redcross.org/donate/weather - make sure to donate to the 2015 Fall Floods account

Flood Buckets

The SC Baptist Association is accepting donations of flood buckets - used for cleaning and restoring homes after water damage. See the below list for items to include. For information on where to donate in your area call 1-803-227-6031

Monday, October 5, 2015

Weather Advisory

Dear POA Members:

We would encourage our residents to heed all of the local warnings and stay indoors if possible. We think all of the roads in LongCreek are still intact, but we suggest using extreme caution. We will try and keep you posted as we discover problems or get reports. 

Thank you,

POA Board and Management.