A Resource for the Homeowners in LongCreek Plantation

Friday, February 28, 2014

Did You Know?

Want to keep up with what is going on in Longcreek? Important documents including board minutes are available on the POA website. Take a look - you might be surprised how much information is available!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Energy Saving Tips

As the weather continues to fluctuate and cold temperatures have you pushing up your thermostat, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to keep your home energy costs low.  The answer is yes! Even as winter continues on, there are simple things you can do around your new home to help balance out your energy usage.

Here are a few tips:

  • Use your dishwasher! It takes less water to run the dishwasher than wash by hand. Make your dishwasher more efficient by running full loads then let the dishes air dry instead of using the dry setting on your dishwasher.
  • When washing and drying clothes, make sure you always clean the lint trap in your dryer. Dry consecutive loads to take advantage of built up heat from the previous load.
  • Lower your thermostat at night and during the day when you aren't home. Reverse your ceiling fans to help circulate warm air from near the ceiling.
  • Check the temperature on your water heater. Lowering this temperature a few degrees can help save on energy costs.
  • Allow foods to cool before putting them in your refrigerator. Putting warm or hot items in the refrigerator cause it to work harder to maintain a cool temperature.
  • Replace regular light bulbs with more energy efficient LED or CFL bulbs

What do you do to keep energy costs low?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Olympic Themed Snack Ideas

The winter Olympic games have begun and in honor of this event here are some ideas on hosting your own Olympic themed viewing party! You don't have to be at the games to really get into the spirit. Let these snack ideas inspire your Olympic-sized ambitions!

The Olympic Torch

 Fill ice cream cones with cheddar flavored popcorn.

Gold Medals

Use Golden Oreos and roll out fruit snacks

Olympic Rings

Give cups of hot chocolate a dusting of colored sanding sugars for a real Olympic treat!

What ideas do you have for hosting an Olympic-themed party?

Friday, February 7, 2014

5K's in Columbia

Sticking to your New Year's resolution to lose weight?

What if you could do get fit and help a cause?  You can!

Many local races are for runners of all kinds - experienced and beginners, plus proceeds go to a good cause. Here are a few coming up in the Midlands.

Cupid's Chase - Feb 8 - Supporting Community Options - A nonprofit that supports local adults with disabilities. http://www.comop.org/

St. Lawrence Place - Race for the Place - Feb 8 - http://www.stlawrenceplace.org/event/race-for-the-place-5k/

Lexington Race Against Hunger - Feb 22 - http://lexrah.org/d/LexingtonsRaceAgainstHunger.aspx